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ECE723, Microwave Transistor Amplifiers and Oscillators

Offered: Winter quarter In this design oriented course, distributed circuit theory is applied to the design of microwave amplifiers and oscillators. Topic covered includes the design principles of low-noise, power and broad-band amplifiers and the Kurokawa non-linear theory for oscillator design. ECE723 includes a 1 credit laboratory where the students learn to perform microwave measurement (S-parameters, 1 dB compression gain and Noise Figure) using modern Network Analysers and Noise Figure meter and pursue a project in which they design (with the help of the CAD tool ADS), fabricate and test a microwave amplifier or oscillator. See also: Microwave and RF Curriculum

Class Webpage for OSU students
The username and password will be provided by your instructor in class.

Facilities available to ECE723: Microwave Laboratory

A balanced amplifier designed in ECE723:

Patrick Roblin (, Septemer, 96